Privacy Policy and Legal Information
Calle Los Almendros, 30. 29753, Arenas (Malaga) – España
NIF: B67803601
Responsible for publication: Emilio Sanchez
Tel : +33 6 38 32 99 88
Email :
Registro de Turismo de Andalucía
Actividad: Vivienda turística de alojamiento rural
Owner: LOS MENICOEM, S.L. _ Nombre Comercial: CASA ANTONIA
Register number : VTAR/MA/03874
Mélinda ROCHE
When using the website, you may provide the company with information about yourself in the following cases: during the reservation process, during registration to keep you informed of our special offers, promotions or any other operation, or by participating in a contest.
In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and with the regulation n°2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, each Internet user having deposited personal information concerning him on the Site has the rights of opposition, access and correction of these data. Any Internet user may exercise these rights by writing to LOS MENICOEM, Calle Los Almendros, 30. 29753, Arenas (Malaga) – España
The data are used only by the company for: the management of the stays, commercial or informative prospecting missions (in digital or physical format) or internal statistical reports.
In the case of survey missions, the data can be shared with the subcontractor in charge of the project, but without any transfer of ownership and therefore of external use.
The consent given by an Internet user to receive information from the company is valid for a maximum of 3 years from the last agreement or order from the Internet user, except in the case of a request for deletion by the Internet user.
Personal data is not shared with or sold to any other entity or entity.
Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of the website and its contents is prohibited under articles L111-1 and L123-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.